This morning I saw an interview with Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg on the TODAY Show. It's Facebook's 10 year anniversary. Congratulations! It really made me reflect on where I was 10 years ago.
This Fall marks my company, JMB Designs, LLC, 10 year anniversary. A lot can happen in 10 years. In February 2004 I was in school, about 3 months pregnant with my first child, and helping my husband build his business.
I had a long list of goals and expectations. I never planned to start a web design company, but instead I wanted to work for a company as a designer. That happened; except the company is owned by me. I thought we'd only have one child, but we ended up with two beautiful girls. The business my husband ran successfully for years is now just a shadow of pleasant memories. I have relocated, traded in a gold sports car for a black SUV, and now spend my weekends shuttling kids to the skating rink and play dates.
Your life can change a lot in 10 years. How has your life changed?