Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Amazon Prime & Downton Abbey (6 years later)

**This post contains an affiliate link, which means that if you click the product link, I may receive compensation.
This was the post on my Facebook page today. Despite being a self-proclaimed anglophile (just Google it) I refused to watch Downton Abbey unless I could start from Season 1 Episode 1. Because we cut the cord about 2 years ago the only place I was able to access the first episode of Downton Abbey was on Amazon's Roku app, and that was if I had a Prime subscription.

Well, my personal Independence Day came on July 4, 2016 when I finally was able to access Season 1 Episode 1 of Downton Abbey on my Amazon Roku app with a Prime login. Let the binge watching commence!

Check out the great benefits of Amazon Prime with Prime Day now until July 12, 2016.


  1. You are going to love, Love, LOVE Downton Abbey!!! Thank you for this post because once I get the Internet buffering problem corrected I now know where to go -Amazon- so I can start watching Downton again!

    1. Maria, thank you for the comment. Hope you get the Internet working soon! Guess what I'm watching right now ☺
